ReferencesThe checklist: Risbey, J., van der Sluijs, J., Ravetz, J., and P. Janssen 2001: A checklist for quality assistance in environmental modelling. Research Report E-2001-11 (ISBN 90-73958-66-0), Department of Science Technology and Society, Utrecht University (http://www.nusap.net/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=1) An interactive fully automated version of the checklist is available in the interactive tools section of the nusap.net: http://www.nusap.net/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=15 Underlying theory: Ravetz, J. 1971: Scientific knowledge and its social problems. Oxford. Clarendon Press. Risbey, J., M. Kandlikar, and A. Patwardhan 1996: Assessing Integrated Assessments. Climatic Change 34, 369-395. Experts: