ReferencesHandbooks: Funtowicz, S.O. and Ravetz, J.R., 1990. Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Websites: http://www.nusap.net Papers with a focus on methodological aspects R. Constanza, S.O. Funtowicz and J.R. Ravetz, Assessing and communicating data quality in policy-relevant research. Environmental Management, 16, 1992, pp. 121-131. Corral Quintana, Serafin A. 2000. Una Metodología integrada de exploración y compensión de los procesos de elaboración de políticas públicas. Ph.D. thesis, University of La Laguna J.S. Risbey, J.P. van der Sluijs and J. Ravetz, 2001. Protocol for Assessment of Uncertainty and Strength of Emission Data, Department of Science Technology and Society, Utrecht University, report nr. E-2001-10, 22 pp. J.P. van der Sluijs, Tuning NUSAP for its use in Integrated Model Quality Assurance the Case of Climate Change, Report in commission of European Commission Directorate General CCR, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety, Ispra, Italy (contract no. 13970 - 1998 - 05 F1EI ISP NL), Department of Science Technology and Society, Utrecht University, Utrecht, March 1999. 36 pp. Case studies: Erle C. Ellis, Rong Gang Li, Lin Zhang Yang and Xu Cheng. 2000a. Long-term Change in Village-Scale Ecosystems in China Using Landscape and Statistical Methods. Ecological Applications 10:1057-1073. Erle C. Ellis, Rong Gang Li, Lin Zhang Yang and Xu Cheng. 2000b. Long-term Change in Village-Scale Ecosystems in China Using Landscape and Statistical Methods. Ecological Applications 10:1057-1073. Supplement 1: Data Quality Pedigree Calculator. Ecological Archives A010-006-S1. (http://www.esapubs.org/archive/appl/A010/006/default.htm) R. van Gijlswijk, P. Coenen, T. Pulles and J.P. van der Sluijs, Uncertainty assessment of NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions in the Netherlands, 2004. TNO and Copernicus Institute Research Report (available from www.nusap.net). ORNL and RFF. 1994. Estimating Fuel Cycle Externalities: Analytical Methods and Issues, Report 2, prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Resources for the Future for the U.S. Department of Energy. M. Hongisto, 1997. Assessment of External Costs of Power Production, A Commensurable Approach? paper presented at Total Cost Assessement - Recent Developments and Industrial Applications, Invitational Expert Seminar, Nauvo, Finland, June 15-17. J.P. van der Sluijs, J.S. Risbey and J. Ravetz, 2001, Uncertainty Assessment of VOC emissions from Paint in the Netherlands (available from www.nusap.net). Jeroen P. van der Sluijs, Jose Potting, James Risbey, Detlef van Vuuren, Bert de Vries, Arthur Beusen, Peter Heuberger, Serafin Corral Quintana, Silvio Funtowicz, Penny Kloprogge, David Nuijten, Arthur Petersen, Jerry Ravetz. Uncertainty assessment of the IMAGE/TIMER B1 CO2 emissions scenario, using the NUSAP method. Dutch National Research Program on Climate Change, Bilthoven, 2002, 225 pp. (available from www.nusap.net) Other references: J. van der Sluijs, P. Kloprogge, J. Risbey, and J. Ravetz, Towards a Synthesis of Qualitative and Quantitative Uncertainty Assessment: Applications of the Numeral, Unit, Spread, Assessment, Pedigree (NUSAP) System. in: International Workshop on Uncertainty, Sensitivity and Parameter Estimation for Multimedia Environmental Modeling, (proceedings) Interagency Steering Committee on Multi Media Environmental Modeling, August 19-21 2003, Rockville MD, USA. p.81-86. (Available from www.nusap.net) J.P. van der Sluijs, Anchoring Amid Uncertainty, on the Management of Uncertainties in Risk Assessment of Anthropogenic Climate Change, PhD thesis, Utrecht University, 1997. NUSAP Experts: