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Applying structured expert elicitation and distinguishing different types of uncertainty. Example case studies: Van der Sluijs, et al. 2003: Uncertainty assessment of VOC-emissions from paint in the Netherlands. Van Oorschot, et al. 2003: Uncertainty analysis for NOx emissions from Dutch passenger cars in 1998. Nauta (2001): Risk assessment for foodproduction and foodprocessing, case of steak tartare. Van der Fels (2004): Risk assessment for campyylobacter contamination Software: Concerning software which can be an aid in probability elicitation:
For the latter two packages, see the website: http://ssor.twi.tudelft.nl/~risk/br/software.html Websites: http://ssor.twi.tudelft.nl/~risk/br/software.html: Software for expert calibration (EXCALIBUR) and for uncertainty analysis with correlations (UNICORN) http://courses.ncsu.edu/classes/ce456001/www/Background1.html: primer on expert elicitation Experts at PBL: Mark van Oorschot, Peter Janssen |