
Gedetailleerde leidraad

1.2 Problem Assessment

1. What is the role of analysis/assessment for this problem? Check all that apply:

 ad hoc policy advice

 to evaluate existing policy

 to evaluate proposed policy

 to foster recognition of new problems

 to identify and/or evaluate possible solutions

 to provide counter-expertise

 other, describe:

2. How urgent is the problem? What is the time frame for analysis?




3. Describe the results of any previous studies on this problem.

4. For whom is this a problem: Who loses? Who gains?

5. Identify key public interests at stake.

6. Identify key private interests at stake.

7. Describe any solutions that have been put forward for this problem. Comment on the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of each proposed solution.

8. Describe any key disputed facts.

9. Describe key value issues.

10. What are the key inputs to assessment?

11. What are the key outputs or indicators from the assessment process?

12. How well do the key outputs or indicators address the problem?




13. For some environmental assessments there may be specific indicators that have been declared in advance that must be monitored. Are there (legal) norms or policy targets to which any of the key outputs from the assessment must comply?

 no targets

 general policy targets

 legally binding targets

If so, specify them:

14. When estimates for a particular indicator are close to a legal norm or target, then estimates of uncertainty are particularly critical. How close are current estimates of any indicators to these norms or targets?

 well below

 just around

 well above

15. What roles do models play in the assessment?
Check all that apply:

 to provide a structured knowledge archive

 for communication of knowledge and educating

 for building community and shared understanding

 for exploration and discovery

 to provide predictive information to policy

 other, describe:

16. How is the problem reflected in the 'model' ?




17. List any key aspects of the problem that are not reflected (or poorly reflected) in the 'model'.

18. What methods will be used in assessment? Check all that apply:


 scenario generation or use

 focus groups

 stakeholder participation

 expert elicitation

 sensitivity analysis

 qualitative uncertainty methods

 other, describe: