
Gedetailleerde leidraad

2.3.1 Client/Customer Level

It is important to obtain general agreement on the main issues to be addressed in the assessment; moreover the potential role and influence of uncertainty should be explicitly addressed.

1. What are the clients minimal requirements with respect to uncertainty management? Check all that apply:

 Uncertainty is not an issue

 The robustness of the conclusions w.r.t. uncertainty should be assessed

 Uncertainty in the major outcomes should be indicated

 The major causes of the uncertainty should be determined

 The effects of uncertainty on policy-level should be indicated

 Other, specify:

2. What level of detail is requested by the client in this uncertainty assessment?

 qualitative indication

 quantitative indication

3. Explain why this is the (minimal) requirement w.r.t. uncertainty management.

4. Describe any further requirements by the client about the form in which uncertainty should be presented?